Welcome to my Faribault historical photograph collection. These pictures are a compilation of historical photographs of Faribault, mostly scanned in from original slides saved from being thrown in the garbage during routine cleanings at Faribault Middle School in 2006 and again in 2008. Several photos were marked as taken by the FJHS Camera/Video/Computer (CVC) Club. Other photos have been scanned in from various sources.
These and many other related pictures are available in my Rice County Historical Photos Google Drive for you to comment on and download, as well as my Facebook Faribault Historical Photographs album.
If you are interested in Faribault history, consider becoming a member of the You know you grew up in Faribault when… Facebook group. We have over 10,000 members and you can share your memories and photos with others that are interested in Faribault history.
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Old Jr. High from the 50s
October 1976 4th Street in Faribault
View of the Senior High in Faribault from October 1977
April 1978 – Looking West from 2nd Street Bridge by The Depot
April 18, 1978 – Rock Island Train Depot (near current day “The Depot”)
May 1978 – Newly Built Cannon Commercial Building on Hwy 21
May 1978 – Congregational Church
May 1978 – District One Hospital
May 1978 – Central Ave. looking South towards 4th Street (Notice Clark Gas Station on west side of the road by Division)
May 1978 – Freeway Exit to Faribault
May 1978 – Happy Chef on Hwy 60
May 1978 – New Huckleberry Inn Restaurant
May 1978 – Highway 60 Strip
May 1978 – Maple Lawn Cemetery
May 1978 – Newly built Hotel by Happy Chef
May 1978 – Old Jr. High
May 1978 – Bowling Center
June 17, 1878 – Faribault Downtown Fire
May 5, 1978 – Mr. Steak (Present day Dairy Queen Brazier)
September 1978 – Faribo West Mall (White Mart)
June 6, 1979 – Old Drive-In Movie Theater (where Borchert’s is today)
August 1979 – Jefferson Elementary School
February 7, 1980 – Old Jr. High
1980 Winter Scene – Country Kitchen and Galaxy Motel on Hwy 60
Winter 1980 – Hwy 60 Hwy 21 Corridor – A&W, Pizza Hut, Galaxy, U-Haul, Paul Bunyan
October 1980 – GTA Feed Mill (by Rainbow Car Wash)
October 1980 – GTA Feed Mill (by Rainbow Car Wash)
Early 1980s – 4th Street (Notice Mister Donut)
Early 1980s – 4th Street and 4th Avenue
Early 1980s – Court House
Early 1980s – Court House
Early 1980s – DeGroods Appliance on 4th Street
Early 1980s – Faribault Aerial looking Northwest (Viaduct in foreground)
Early 1980s – High School Aerial Shot looking Southwest
Early 1980s – McDonalds on 4th Street
Early 1980s – Mister Donut on 4th Street (present day Godfathers)
Early 1980s – B&W Scene by Heritage Apartments
1981 – Chicago Solar Corporation (Near Casey’s General Store today)
June 1981 – Faribault Population Sign by present day Motel Lyndale
June 1981 – Fire Station in Faribault
November 1981 – VINTAGE 4th Street Shot looking west
November 1981 – Blurry shot of Central Park
Newspaper Clipping of Old Jr. High Construction
November 1981 – Faribo Woolen Mills (not a lot of change here)
November 1981 – Faribo Woolen Mills (not a lot of change here)
November 1981 – ISD 656 District Office (present day Area Learning Center)
November 1981 – ISD 656 District Office (present day Area Learning Center)
November 1981 – Old ISD 656 Warehouse on Grant Street
November 1981 – Old Jr. High
November 1981 – Old Jr. High
November 1981 Inside Faribo Bowling Center
Homecoming – October 1982 – First Northwestern Auto Bank (present day Wells Fargo)
Homecoming – October 1982 – Ochs Building downtown
October 1983 – Old Faribault Rescue Squad on 4th Street near Mister Donut (present day Godfathers)
October 1983 – Faribault Federal Savings Bank (present day 1st United Bank)
December 1983 – Old Jr. High School
Winter 1984 – Snowy Scene at Congregational Church
March 1985 – Construction of New Jr. High School (Present day Faribault Middle School)
March 1985 – Construction of New Jr. High School (Present day Faribault Middle School)
April 1985 – Construction of New Jr. High School (Present day Faribault Middle School)
February 1986 – Faribault Star City Sign on Hwy 60
April 1991 – Washington School
1981 – 4th street and Central Avenue
November 1991 – B&W Shot of Kwik Trip South and Four Seasons
1855 City of Faribault Plat Map
1855 Rice County Plat Map
Greetings from Faribault, Minnesota Postcard
1869 Faribault Aerial Picture
Bird’s Eye View from the Bluff, Faribault, MN
Main Street, Faribault (later 1800s)
Downtown Faribault, 1970s, One-Way
CRI&P Depot, Faribault, MN, Circa 1962 (Current Location of The Depot Bar and Grill)
CRI&P Depot, Faribault, MN, August 1977 (Current Location of The Depot Bar and Grill)
Farmer Seed and Nursery Catalog, 1934
Dow Hall, Braille School (Now Razed)
Prisoner of war barracks at Faribault Foods. Prisoners worked in the fields.
Tuttle Meat Market in 1893, located at 320 North Main Street, Faribault. The street was later named Central Avenue, Faribault, 1893.
Parvena Elevator at 1st Avenue and 2nd Street NE in Faribault. Razed December 1, 1992.
Scott’s Mill on the Cannon River, Faribault.
Cattle Exhibit Building, Rice County Fairgrounds, 1920s. Current location of Teepee Tonka Park, Faribault.
Rice County Grandstand in 1875.
4th Street and 2nd Avenue, Faribault. In the bottom right is Roth’s Wagon House and looking north is the Cathedral of our Merciful Savior. Looking Northeast. Directly on the bottom of the picture going west-east is 4th Street NW. The road slanting off to the upper left is 2nd Avenue NW. Nelson’s County Market would be where Roth’s Wagon House was.
Sheriff’s Residence and Rice County Jail located at northeast corner of 2nd and 3rd Street, Faribault, circa 1896.
Masonic Building before it was remodeled.
Crump’s Hall, the first public hall in Faribault. Many churches and organizations used this building as their meeting place until they could build their own facility.
Birdseye view looking south and west at the business section of Faribault, 1909. The Depot Bar and Grill is located at the bottom-left of the photo. The street going up through the middle of the picture is 4th Street NW. 1st Avenue NE is going South-North.
McCarthy Funeral and Undertaking building located at 1st Avenue and 4th Street, Faribault. On the east side of the building was the marble yard where gravestones were kept until the final engraving. Present location of ABC Business Center.
Painting on the side of R. J. Lieb’s Reliable Shoe Store at Central and 2nd Street in Faribault, 1937.
Original building of Minnesota State School which was formerly the Faribault Regional Center, built in 1881.
Old Armory on 2nd Street between Central Avenue and 1st Avenue, Faribault, circa 1900.
The business district on Central Avenue in Faribault, circa 1940. Now that Central Avenue is back to two-way traffic, you can drive up this way again. Buckham Library is behind us, and we are looking down Central Avenue to the North. 1st street is the intersection right in front of us, going west and east. The Brunswick Cafe (current location of AnnaDee’s) is on the corner. Notice “The Leader” sign up on 2nd Street. You can still see the faded sign today.
Alexander Faribault’s home at 12 NE 1st Avenue, Faribault. This was the first framed residence in the state of Minnesota, 1853.
300 Block of Central Avenue, Faribault in the early 1900s. Faribault Opera House burned in 1920. You are looking east, with Central Avenue going North to South. 4th street is to your left and 3rd street is to your right. The left side of the picture would be where Paradise Theater is today.
Sheffield Mill, 1876-1881. King Mill, 1881-1956. After the Walcott Mill burned down in 18xx, along with most of the city of Walcott, the owners declared it a total loss, and moved their operation to King Mill.
Warming house for city skating rink on Straight River across the railroad tracks from the Depot Restaurant, Faribault.
Looking west from 2nd Street, Faribault, circa 1890. The 2nd Street Bridge is further to the left (currently the walking bridge). Ravine street is off to the right of the picture.
The Old Stone Church Saloon, located in the 100 block of Central Avenue, early 1900s.
Saloon in Faribault.
Central Avenue and 3rd Street on June 17, 1878 after fire in Faribault. You are looking Northwest. 3rd Street goes left to right, and Central Avenue slants off to the right. The Security Bank building stands today on this corner.
Grant Grocery, operated by Alexander J. Grant, was located at 322 Central Avenue, Faribault, 1887.
S & L store located on Central Avenue between 2nd street and 3rd Street on the west side of the street, 1948. The place with the sign “Prescriptions” was Poirer’s Pharmacy. As of 2004, this is now Grumpies Antiques run by Otto Luknic. Ben Franklin is on the extreme left side, followed by St. Paul Clothing House next door.
Brandenburgs Grocery and Butcher Shop on 4th Street and 5th Avenue, Faribault.
Arlington Hotel street level. Ostrom Insurance agency and Marshall Wells Tire and Auto Parts Store, second floor hotel lobby. Hotel rooms on second and third floors.
The European Hotel was located on 3rd Street between Central Avenue and 1st Avenue Northeast.
Clem Wall is standing behind the wagon in front of Wall Hardware at 15 Northwest 3rd Street, Faribault. Later a city owned parking lot.
Harvey Hotel opened in April 1929 at a location previously used by Kummer Auto Company. The first floor of the hotel was used by Payant Drug. Central Avenue goes left-to-right, and 5th Street slants off to the left in the picture. Present day Faribault Hotel.
United States Hotel at 411 North Main (Central Avenue) Mrs. D. Benkert was the proprietor in 1895.
Cutting ice on Cannon River in Faribault 1897.
The Brunswick Hotel built in 1882 at 1st Street and Central Avenue in Faribault. This building was replaced by the Wrent structure in the 1930s.
Commercial Hotel. Present site of Rice County Public Service Building, 118 Northwest 3rd Street, Faribault.
Sheeran & Filler Bottling Works and Cigar Factory was located on Central Avenue between 5th Street and 6th Street. Kummer Garage took over the location in 1939. On the roof left to right: cigar makers; Joe Gust, Ed McCarthy, Godfrey Endres, Joe (Dummy) Filliatrault, John Endres (foreman), Art Splitzatager, George McCall, and Frank Haag. On porch: Henry Reuter (drayman), Andrew Filler (owner), unknown, unknown, and Pete Buechner.
Fleck’s Brewery office with Ernest Fleckenstein’s home in the background.
Farmer Seed and Nursery Company in Faribault, early 1900s. Looking straight north.
Schreyer’s Garage was located at Division Street and Central Avenue.
Mutual Auto Company was operated by Frederick R. Kummer The company handled Buick, Ford and Oakland autos. It was located where the Faribault Hotel is now.