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View the latest posts from the MinnesotaForecaster blog, where locals talk about upcoming snow events. The comments are sometimes very insightful, so be sure to check those out!

  • We could be in line for a big snow beginning today. Is March going to start off with a blizzard for the Twin Cities? Sorry I was late on this thread. Given the temperatures I had just given up on snow. I should not have got complacent!
  • by WeatherGeek
    How great to see Mr. Novak over here saying hello. And yes, wow, Wednesday looks like there is a chance we get a reasonable chunk of snow. That would be so beautiful!!! I follow you religiously over on FB, Novak. G.O.A.T. Thanks for visiting.
  • by Bigdaddy
    Yeah I’ll take the bullet for Saturday, definitely looks like a swing and a miss….it will turn colder and maybe snow in the air but I don’t see anything more then a dusting now whereas before models were bringing something more plowable close to the metro. But like I said in my earlier post next […]
  • by Plymouth Weather Lover
    Novak made an appearance! Love it. Love him. Love it. Love him. Love it. Love him. I think I made my feelings clear!!Thanks for chiming in, Novak. You. Da. Man. And bring it next week!!!
  • by Novak Weather
    You guys are the best. I appreciate the kind comments.One of the biggest issues we have in the weather industry is with all the cooks in the kitchen, including me. There are so many outlets/people who throw out forecasts to the public & many of these individuals simply don't do enough homework ahead of time […]
  • by WeatherGeek
    A summation of 'winter thus far' from Mr. Douglas in the Strib: "Every winter is different, peculiar in its own special way. Meteorological winter (Dec. 1 through Feb. 28) was the 18th least snowiest at MSP. Only 15 inches had fallen as of March 1. Last Wednesday’s snow blitz brought the metro area’s snow total […]
  • by WeatherGeek
    Thanks for the update, Bigdaddy. If we get close to an inch of rain…. oh that it could be snow. Flash freezing I do not wish upon anyone; I already have a friend who slipped after last Wednesday's big storm and she broke her leg in three places. But yeah, our rollercoaster of temp/precip swings […]
  • by Bigdaddy
    Folks let’s not sleep on the Fri/Sat storm system and all this winter is over talk! Nice it’s a warm week but Saturday looks like it can turn wild around here, like a 40°+ temp drop from the day before to flash freezers and accumulating snow(not sure how much but it will snow, many models […]
  • by Anonymous
    70° temps forecasted not once but twice this week, yeah snow is done and winter is done, a winter that performed believe it or not worse then last year!
  • by Tim
    Novak just posted 70 degrees is not out of the question next Friday and neither is a low of 50 degrees for next Saturday. So much for our hopes of having another snowstorm next week. This is why I don’t get excited when models show something fun a week or more away.
  • by Tony
    For what it’s worth, regarding next week’s storm, the latest GFS is reflecting a more southern track before heading northeast through central/eastern MN, as opposed to tracking through eastern South Dakota. It will be interesting to see if this becomes a trend, and if so, will it continue? .

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