A look into the future of AI generated media and deepfakes

This seems like a good time to remind everybody about the Electronics Technician Association (International)’s Audio/Video Forensics Analyst certification program that we worked hard on several years ago.

Since 5 years ago, AI has become much bigger, and “deepfakes” are an even bigger issue now. Check out the sample video I shared below for a little shock value! Second guess what you see and hear. It may not be real!

Check out what is covered in the certification here: https://etai.org/comps/AVFA_comps.pdf

Now, more than ever, it’s very important to use logic instead of emotion, facts instead of opinions, and multiple sources instead of a single news channel, when forming your own opinion about anything. Realize the importance of skilled experts in the future to assist with the detection of these threats.

(Video created by The Dor Brothers)

Posted in Blog, Technology Insights.

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