The 9-year-old Programmer

In response to the ZDNet article that Chad Elstad posted (you can read “The Mac’s 30th: What’s Your Story?” here:…/ ). When I was 5 years old, I remember printing out computer programs on our Apple ][+ (Remember PR#1, LIST ?), and then trying to type them in to my Commodore PET computer. My first lesson in incompatibility! When I was 9 years old, I created a Baseball game in BASIC using lo-res Apple graphics (pictured below). I’m still a huge fan of the Apple ][ platform and I still have a working Apple ][gs that gets use from time to time…

Glider flight out of Faribault – about 5200 feet AGL

My first glider ride with Cross Country Soaring out of KFBL. This was a very different experience than powered flight. I liked it a lot! I got a good 20 minutes of flying handling the controls myself. Contains some stalls and stall recoveries, and a hammerhead about 2/3 through. DVD hit the end just after lining up for final.