October 21, 2015

Well, it’s here! Tomorrow is the day where everyone in “Back to the Future II” were driving flying cars, cruising on hoverboards, and wearing jeans with their pockets turned inside out. Our “present” future might not be quite as exciting, but hey, at least we have the Internet!

There’s Wisdom in Knowing Nothing

I post this as the truth I have discovered in the IT industry, and I’m pretty sure it carries over to all people over all careers. We start out in the “I know nothing” (discovery) phase, followed by the “I’m an expert” (cocky) phase, followed once again by the “I know nothing” (only scratched the surface) phase. While we all gain more expertise over time, the more important thing we gain is wisdom. We begin to realize as we get older how much more there really is to know, and how little we actually know in comparison. One of life’s lessons put very easily on a graph.

Canal Park

Proof that even the junkiest areas can be rehabilitated and turned into HUGE tourist attractions!