Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence and ALT Tags
Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant (Red Wing, MN) Control Room Simulator
On the open house, we stopped at the control room simulator and watched a simulated power outage with diesel generators coming online, and a simulated manual reactor trip.
The last T1 has been disconnected!
Once the configuration was done, the only thing left to do was plug in the fiber! As you can see, a few Nerstrand Elementary School students happily helped out with this process. With a simple, positive “click” of the fiber-optic patch cable into the transceiver, Nerstrand completed their upgrade from the two trunked T-1 lines offering about 3Mbps of bandwidth, to the 10000Mbps of bandwidth now at their disposal. The speed is exciting, but even more exciting is the capacity this line will give the School for bringing in more devices and perhaps even having a one device per student option down the road. Thanks Amelia and Stefan!
My Humble “Thanks”
Homemade Solar Tracker
Another Session at Pine Island MX with my YFZ450
Take several laps around Pine Island MX in glorious 1440p at 48 frames a second.
Pine Island MX Drone Video Compilation, YFZ450s and Dirt Bikes
Here’s a short edit of some video my dad took with his Yuneec drone, and some of my GoPro helmet cam footage. All video shot near Pine Island, Minnesota. Rendered to 1080p24.
Feelin’ Fast at Pine Island MX with my YFZ450
I got a few more jumps and felt like I was able to keep the momentum going around nearly the whole track.