Freestyle Motocross at the Compound
Paris Rosen and Robby Bethea go big. Rock Solid – Cliffhanger – Lazy Boy
Snow Motocross at the Compound
What to do when you get a nice day in February, but no motocross tracks are open? Make your own fun…
BRAAAP! Extreme Riding in Southern Minnesota
Quads and Dirt bikes doing freestyle motocross, motocross, and freeriding. Produced by Peter Hager and Brian Klier. This video does a good job summarizing our riding for the year. All riding takes place near Faribault, Minnesota (the capital of Freestyle Motocross in the state, by the way).
How much memory is too much?
Computers are commonly coming with at least a gigabyte of memory in them now, and sometimes people will add memory to computers so they have two, even four gigabytes of memory. More memory is better, right? Not always. If you are thinking about upgrading to the much-maligned Windows Vista, everyone will tell you to make sure you have sufficient memory. Two gigabytes is a great starting point, and four gigabytes will allow you to run several large applications at the same time. However, if you have four gigabytes of memory in your computer, it’s impossible to use all of it. This article will hopefully inform you of some pitfalls and caveats to keep in mind before you cram all those slots in your computer with more memory.
The operating system you have at home, which might be Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, or Linux, are all 32-bit operating systems. The original switch to 32-bit operating systems happened with the release of Windows 95. All 32-bit operating systems, by design, can only address, at the maximum, 4 gigabytes of memory (232 for you math whizzes out there). That’s it. Even if you can add more memory than this to your computer, it will still only report that you have 4 gigabytes. That’s all the computer can use.
What’s even worse? If you currently have four gigabytes of memory in your computer, you won’t even be able to use all of that. That’s because the hardware in your computer, like your video card, network card, and other expansions cards, have memory too, and they need the ability to have it “addressed” by your computer. For example, if you have a video card with 512 megabytes of memory on it, surprise! Now you only have 3 ½ gigabytes of memory to use for what you want to use it for. There are few technical ways to improve the situation, and those that exist only work for high-end server applications.
What’s the solution? 64-bit computing. All major operating system manufacturers (and very quietly in the consumer sector) have now released 64-bit versions of their operating systems to the market, but they will only work with the very latest computers (such as the Intel Core 2 and AMD’s Athlon 64). Some 64-bit operating systems still limit memory expansion to a degree (such as 8 gigabytes in Windows Vista Home Basic). Theoretically, though, the 64-bit architecture can address 264 bytes, or 17,179,869,184 gigabytes (16 exabytes) of memory! Besides the ability to upgrade your memory greater than 4 gigabytes, there are few performance benefits and more incompatibility worries at this time to make such a drastic switch.
So what’s the bottom line? Without an upgrade to a computer with a 64-bit processor and a 64-bit operating system, you will never be able to have more than four gigabytes of memory. As this is an obvious limitation, watch for 64-bit computing to become popular throughout the next few years.
Tech Tip: Use your Right Mouse Button
If you’re like most people, you treat your right mouse button the way non-smokers treat the cigarette lighter in their cars. You ignore it. But like the non-smoking driver who gets a CD-player or a cellular phone and suddenly finds the lighter indispensable, once you learn how to use the right mouse button, you’ll find you can’t do without right-click either.
That right button on your mouse is not there for mere decoration. When you use it (an action called right-clicking), a menu of items will pop up telling you what actions you can perform, and shows you shortcuts you can use to breeze through everyday tasks.
While the left button is limited to selecting an item or launching an program, the right mouse button is smart enough to tell you what you need to know when. The right-click menu is context sensitive. This means that the menu of items changes depending on what you right-click and where you are when you right-click it. If you right-click the My Computer icon, for example, you’ll get different options on the right-click menu than you will if you right-click a Web page or a blank part of your desktop.
Right-click is especially handy when you come across something unfamiliar or confusing because the right-click menu will usually tell you what you can do with whatever obstacle you come across. This is why learning to right-click is a good habit to develop. Don’t worry — nothing will break. At the very worst, nothing will happen. At the best, however, you’ll find the clue you need to get beyond feeling stumped, or a shortcut that makes it easier to get the things you want to do done.
Here are some quick right-click scenarios to get you started:
You can use right-clicking in your My Documents folder to quickly copy, paste, or delete files. Most people use the menus to do this work, but with a right-click you can do the same things faster. Simply right-click a folder in your My Documents. You could delete it simply by selecting “Delete”. You could also select “Copy”, and then open a drive for your portable USB drive, and Right-click “Paste” to easily copy the files without having to drag and drop.
You can also right-click on an empty white space in your My Documents folder to arrange your files by modification date, or by size. This can help you find that file that you’ve been looking for.
On a Web page, you can use right-click to do a number of things–move forward and backward between pages you’ve browsed, print a page, or add it to your list of favorites.
Once you get into the right-click habit, you’ll settle into your favorite right-click scenarios, and you’ll find you discover new ones along the way.
Boston’s Gourmet Pizza — Better luck next time
I knew I shouldn’t have done it.
Our new Boston’s Gourmet Pizza in Faribault opened last week. Usually I am very, very careful with giving a new restaurant a chance, because usually the staff is in way over their heads for the first month a new place is in business. The Faribault Daily News ran a favorable article about them, and they remarked that they offered both delivery and curbside service. I figured, what the hey, I’ll try out some pasta and have it delivered.
First of all, they said they don’t deliver at all. OK, understandable. That could have been a “Faribault Daily Mistake” screw up. I then placed my Fetticini Alfredo order for curbside pickup. The girl seemed happy and willing to serve on the phone, asked what kind of vehicle I had, and said the order would be ready in 10 minutes.
I went there about 8 minutes after the call and waited in one of their “Curbside pick up” parking spots. 10 minutes pass. 20 minutes pass.
OK, there’s something wrong here.
30 minutes pass. 35 minutes pass.
Yeah, this isn’t good.
I didn’t have their phone number with me, so I drove off, without any food. I normally don’t want to “make waves” by going inside and making an issue out of something, especially at a restaurant where your health and well-being is in their hands. I marked this experience down as “Trust your initial judgment, Brian. Don’t go to the new place the first week they’re in business.”
Obviously, Boston’s isn’t ready for prime-time just yet. I am looking forward to trying them again in about a month when their staff gets more seasoned and they get a little less busy.
Dirt Bike Riding at Newport’s Pit
I’ve posted an edited video of Dave, Joe, and I riding over at Newport’s pit on MySpace. You may check it out by clicking the following URL…
Let me know how you enjoy it!