Excerpt from his obituary in 2019: “Robert “Bob” Kemmer was a unique individual as you will ever find in your lifetime. He was a passionate person about food, music, books, and life. His legacy began with his career as a librarian of extraordinary gifts. For more than 35 years at Lincoln Elementary in Faribault he was the personification of what an ideal librarian (not media specialist) should be for children. His knowledge of books and what existed within his library was awe inspiring. If a child showed an interest in some topic or author, Bob would find six or seven books off the top of his head that would appeal to that individual child. His library was not a quiet, sterile place of shushing. It was a colorful oasis of stuffed animals, pictures, knick-knacks, aquarium, Christmas decorations, and music always music. To see him read a book aloud to students was akin to seeing DaVinci painting or sculpting. He was a multiple voice-jumping artist at inspiring youth to become lifelong readers. He also loved going to concerts of all genres from heavy metal to classical; from country to Weird Al Yankovic. He loved his cigars, Old Country Buffet, scotch, and privacy. Before his onset of diabetes, he was a hermit who loved people but on his terms. After his move to Pleasant View Estates he became quite social and even started a Thursday read aloud session. The world will seem a little duller without “Bongo Bob” in it.”
Robert “Bob” Kemmer, December 17, 1948 — April 2, 2019
Here’s a few of the nice things people have said about him, and memories about him, from our “You know you grew up in Faribault when…” Facebook group.
Here are some shared stories and anecdotes from several of Bob’s co-workers from his retirement party in early November 2010. Please excuse the rough transcription as the original recording was not very good, and a combination of AI and best guess was used to fill in the blanks. I hope you’ll still find some touching moments in it.