Specific pages of interest:
- Faribault Junior High School Yearbook Project
- Minnesota Maps for GRLevel3
- Rice County Mobile Command Center
- MailTalk, The E-Mail Reader That Talks
- The MisterHouse/APRS Tracking System: Linking the World of Home Automation with Amateur Radio
- TinyTrak for APRS
- Epods APRS-CE
Previous posts:
- New mechanical SCSI hard drive replaced in an Apple Mac SE FDHDI replaced an old Quantum SCSI hard disk drive in an Apple Mac SE FDHD this afternoon. A project long overdue! I needed to use the third-party Lido hard drive management and partition utility to get the Apple to recognize a non-Apple hard disk drive. Just as proprietary and “closed ecosystem” back then as they… Read more: New mechanical SCSI hard drive replaced in an Apple Mac SE FDHD
- Minnesota Radioddity GD-88 Codeplugs for DMRThe Radioddity GD-88 is a neat, inexpensive new dual VFO analog/digital handheld transceiver. Since no codeplugs are publicly available for this transceiver that I have found, I made one based on the Anytone Codeplugs by Eric Ganske, W0EDG. Check out the instructions and codeplugs at the link below: Radioddity GD-88 Minnesota Codeplugs
- Alpine iLX-F409 Halo9 9″ Touchscreen w/ Android Auto & Apple CarPlay Install in 1988 3rd Gen CamaroHere’s a finished installation of Alpine’s iLX-F409 9″ Halo9 Multimedia Touchscreen Receiver w/ Bluetooth, SiriusXM, Hands-Free Kit, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, HDMI in/out, and rear backup camera, in a 1988 Third Generation Camaro. The iLX-F409 is among a small handful of receivers that install in a single-din slot, have a permanent (non-mechanized) touchscreen, and support… Read more: Alpine iLX-F409 Halo9 9″ Touchscreen w/ Android Auto & Apple CarPlay Install in 1988 3rd Gen Camaro
- A 5 1/4″ floppy drive connected with USB?Yup…that’s a 5 1/4″ Floppy Disk Drive, connected via USB to my computer. This board called a Greaseweazle reads the raw flux transitions from a floppy disk and recreates them as disk drive image files for modern computers. I just found disks full of music, sound files, and BASIC source code that I haven’t heard… Read more: A 5 1/4″ floppy drive connected with USB?
- New Bruce Smith Field ScoreboardThis is going to be so cool! I’ll have a training session tomorrow on this, and then I’ll be running this system live for the first football game of the year. Thanks to the Faribault Booster Club and all its sponsors.
- Display Systems 19S-8 Vintage Eggcrate Display Technical OverviewFor those of you that REALLY want to know the inner details behind my Vintage Light Display project, I made a technical overview video. You might be sorry you asked.
- Display Systems 19S-8 Vintage Eggcrate Display ClockThere was a reason that CBS and other television networks used these type of displays on game shows when they had bright studio lights to contend with. The light is piercing from these! Tonight, I got 22 wires soldered on 22 pins to mate with a Molex connector on the back of each display. Both… Read more: Display Systems 19S-8 Vintage Eggcrate Display Clock
- Display Systems 19S-8 Vintage Eggcrate DisplayLogic and software I wrote is all good! The correct plug didn’t come for the displays so I’ll have to hook the rest up later, but this is super cool!
- A relic and mainstay of all classic 80s gameshows…Initial Test of a Display Systems 19S-8 Vintage Eggcrate Display (Light Bulb Matrix), common to television game shows of the 1970s-1990s. This is one of two Display Systems 19S-8 eggcrate displays that I purchased from Surplus Sales of Nebraska. I plan to integrate both into a working count up/count down timer powered by a ESP8266… Read more: A relic and mainstay of all classic 80s gameshows…
- No, it’s not 1987, it’s 2019… (An Apple IIgs prints a “Print Shop” sign in 2019)The sights and sounds of antique technology. I bought a new ribbon off of Amazon to see if that’s the only thing that was needed to bring this old ImageWriter II to life. This is a fully operational Apple IIgs with a 5 1/4″ and 3 1/2″ floppy disk drive, color monitor, and ImageWriter II… Read more: No, it’s not 1987, it’s 2019… (An Apple IIgs prints a “Print Shop” sign in 2019)
- High-Resolution LED Display GraphicsSince the time these high-resolution LED displays were installed in the Nomeland Gymnasium at the High School, I’ve been spending much of my spare time designing graphics, sponsor advertising, and program workflow for the system. It has already been used successfully for several volleyball matches, 9th grade orientation, and now an all-staff District workshop. The… Read more: High-Resolution LED Display Graphics
- Homemade Solar TrackerIt was a bright, sunny day, so why not build a homemade solar tracker? Solar trackers help solar panels always point at the sun as the sun moves from east to west across the sky. They slightly improve efficiency of panels connected to them. We took an old “C-band” satellite rotator and controller, and soldered… Read more: Homemade Solar Tracker
- 1992 SouthLAN/MNWADA Joint Packet Radio Node Install at FaribaultDuring much of 1991, the SouthLAN and MNWADA Packet Radio Clubs in Southern Minnesota planned and designed 3 high-speed packet radio nodes to be installed at Apple Valley, Faribault, and Dodge Center. The Faribault site, MNFBL:N0QVC-1, would have a 1200 baud user frequency on 145.01 MHz, a 9600 baud backbone towards Dodge Center on 430.95… Read more: 1992 SouthLAN/MNWADA Joint Packet Radio Node Install at Faribault
- A Good Knight to Use the 3D PrinterA spiral-inspired knight, today’s 3D printing project with my #M3D. Turned out great!
- Using ProComm Plus in DosBox to make a 9600 baud BBS connection through Google voice
- Facebook gathers residents to discuss times gone by and feelings of nostalgiaBy BRITTNEY NESET bneset@faribault.com | Posted: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:06 pm “You knew you grew up in Faribault when…” is a Facebook group with approximately 3,200 members. (Screenshot of “You knew you grew up in Faribault when…” Facebook group) When most think of Facebook, images of teenagers taking selfies and notso casually checking in… Read more: Facebook gathers residents to discuss times gone by and feelings of nostalgia
- Not Only for Baking Bread…Entering the highly experimental world of 3D Printing today! First, I’m printing a spool holder so I can make bread again…
- Copying Number Munchers from PC Compatible through null MODEM cable to Apple //gsHaving been an Apple ][ enthusiast for 30 years, I often wondered if there was an easy way to download Apple disk images off the Internet and somehow transfer them over to an Apple to use. It so happens a program called ADTPro is available to accomplish this task with an easy-to-build null MODEM cable.
- Home Wireless Security“Snow, Snow, and More Snow!” Chad, Doug, and myself went quad riding at Tri-County on March 10th. It was fun while it lasted, but now we’ve got over a foot of snow on the ground again. I’ll be bringing you more fun riding updates as we get into Spring, but for now, here’s an article… Read more: Home Wireless Security
- MailTalk, “The E-Mail Reader that talks”Watch this space for information on the public release of MailTalk, “The E-Mail Reader that talks”. This mail program, designed for sight-impaired individuals, sends and receives E-Mail using very little system resources. Matter of fact, it’ll run on any DOS-based IBM Compatible with a Sound Blaster compatible sound card. And it’s distributed as freeware! Until… Read more: MailTalk, “The E-Mail Reader that talks”
- Portable APRS on a TouchScreen Webpad!Looking for the ideal portable APRS Setup? Click here for an article on APRS for Windows CE, using the Epods Color TouchScreen Webpad!
- The MisterHouse/APRS Tracking SystemWelcome, “Home Automation” magazine subscribers! Please look below If you are interested about hearing more about the MisterHouse/APRS Tracking System published in the July 2001 issue. Miss the article? Click here for a scanned copy of the article. You can view my original copy of this article by clicking here. If you are not a subscriber to Home Automation magazine,… Read more: The MisterHouse/APRS Tracking System
RE Greaseweasle
i was chasing links and stumbled across your your youtube. currently i just need to load
DOS onto a laptop and was looking for an adapter read 5 1/4 floppy.
this i think i can handle this.
if you understand floppy disc stuff (i ave never tried) i have a prehistoric
CNC mill that has been upgraded from 8″ FDD to 5 1/4 and now has 3 1/2 FDD
USB floppy works on friends similar machine but gets hung up on my machine my friend
thinks it a minor issue and related to zebek controller communication. this greaseweasel
project looks like the perfect trouble shooting tool. do you think you have the ability or
tenacity and desire to talk about it
Thank you